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REL chart

With a set program of requirements, we specified each space’s realtive closeness preferences and certain prefered spatial qualities.


Weights and preferences hierarchy

Growth hierarchy Hierarchy

According to our design strategy with privacy gradients and the decision to cluster functions around hubs, a hierarchy of spaces arises. When the growth algorithm seeds and grows spaces, the matrix is used to look up which spaces should grow or “follow” which spaces. However, not every space finds it important to follow another. Some spaces are dependant on the location of the hubs but the hubs themselves are not affected by the spaces following them. This relationship indicated in the matrix by lack of symmetry across the diagonal.

The following bubble diagram illustrates the meaning of this asymmetry along the diagonal in the REL chart. For example, the co-cooking area and community garden are connected in the metro diagram, this is also reflected in the REL chart. However, because the co-cooking area indicates that it would need to grow towards the garden, and the garden does not indicate any preference for growing towards the co-cooking, a hierarchy arises: co-cooking follows the garden, not the other way around.

Voxel size

Having set design goals and user perspectives, we chose a voxel size that we consider multifunctional enough to form spaces with different functions. This voxel size became a base for the voxel cloud used in all following computations.

  • Why this size?

    • Height and width are the same, therefore it is a regular cube
    • A staircase fits inside a single voxel from floor to floor
    • A third of the voxel size is a pleasant width for a small corridor (1080 mm)
  • Building regulations:

    • Width stairs: minimum is 800 mm
    • Riser: minimum is 180 mm
    • Tread width: minimum is 220 mm
    • Head room: minimum is 2300 mm

Notebook Flowchart

The computation process is reflected in the flowchart.

For optimization purposes, we used 3 lattices with different voxel sizes. The resulting data was always interpolated for our main lattice with voxel size 3240x3240.

Notebook Flowchart

Computation Overview Flowchart

Computation Flowchart

Static data creation

Solar envelope

Create an envelope based on solar blockage

The created envelope will be used as the base availability lattice on which all other calculations for static data and the growing of the agends are built upon

InputVoxelized envelope, context mesh

Solar envelope


Create a list of all vectors pointing towards the sun locations over the year.

For all voxels inside of the envelope:
Cast a ray from the list of sun vectors from the voxel centroid
If the ray intersects with a mesh:
Ignore the ray and continue the loop
Check if the reversed ray intersects with a mesh
If this new ray intersects with a mesh:
Register the intersection for the voxel to a new list
Else: Register a non intersection to the list

For each voxel inside the envelope:
Map the amount of intersections in a range between 0 and 1, where 0 means blocking a lot of light for neighbouring buildings and 1 not blocking any light.

Set a limit to how much light the voxels are allowed to block and create a new lattice with either True or False values, depending on the amount of light blocked.

Export this lattice as the new availability lattice.

Solar accessibility

Ensure spaces get enough sunlight

This data is used for the growing algorithm by certain agents that prefer a high solar accessibility, for instance: the residential quarters and study spaces.

InputSolar envelope, context mesh

Solar accesibility lattice


Create a list of all vectors pointing towards the sun locations over the year.

For all voxels inside of the envelope:
Cast a ray from the list of sun vectors from the voxel centroid
If the ray intersects with a mesh:
Append an intersection to a new list
Append a non intersection to the list

For each voxel inside the envelope:
Map the amount of intersections in a range between 0 and 1, where 1 means receiving the most of light and 0 receiving the least amount of light.

Export the newly created lattice that lists the values of solar accessibility in a range from 0 to 1.

Sky view factor

Ensure functions are able to see enough of the sky This data is used for the growing algorithm by certain agents that prefer a high sky view factor, for instance: the office spaces and garden.

InputSolar envelope, context mesh, dome mesh

Sky view factor lattice


Instead of creating a list of vectors pointing towards the sun locations over the year, append the normals of a dome mesh to a list, created to map the sky in equal proportions.

For all voxels inside of the envelope:
Cast a ray from the list of sun vectors from the voxel centroid
If the ray intersects with a mesh:
Append an intersection to a new list
Append a non intersection to the list

For each voxel inside the envelope:
Map the amount of intersections in a range between 0 and 1, where 1 has the least intersections, which means having a high sky view factor and 0 the opposite.

Export the newly created lattice that lists the values of the sky view factor in a range from 0 to 1.

Floor level preference

Set floor levels for agents This data is used for the growing algorithm by certain agents that prefer a proximity to certain floors, for instance: the hub and garden prefer to be on the ground floor.

InputSolar envelope

Floor level preference

    Create a list of entries based on the height of the imported lattice
    Create a matrix that maps the neighbouring entries as if connected from bottom to top
    Select an entry as you would select a floor level (in the visualization it’s 0)
    Calculate the distance from that entry to every other one
    Map the values from 0 to 1, where 1 is the entry itself and 0 for the entry that is the furthest from the selected one. Then append them from bottom to top to in a one dimensional array
    Map this array along the z-axis of the entire imported lattice
    Multiply this newly created lattice with the solar envelope to set all unoccupied voxels to 0 and export it

Closeness to the facade (high resolution)

Ensure access to the facade

This is another parameter to optimize the placement of spaces that need direct daylight or adjacency to the street.

InputAvailability lattice, custom stencil

Facade closeness lattice


Define stencil as Von Neumann neighborhood with top and bottom neighbors removed
Apply the stencil to the voxel envelope
Find the number of neighbors for each voxel in the lattice.

Create a condition for boundary voxels, where the number of neighbors is < 4, then select only the ground level voxels
Check envelope with the condition, create a new envelope with only boundary voxels
For each available voxel inside a 2D slice of the envelope:
Append the ID’s of its neighbours to an adjacency list
Create a sparce matrix that contains the connectivity data

Compute distances from all boundry voxels to all other voxels in a 2D slice
Find the minimum distance for all boundry voxels the other voxels
Add the minimum distance to the corresponding voxel value field
Map the field distance values from 0 - 1, where 0 is the furthest distance and 1 is the closest

Closeness to a specific facade (high resolution)

Orient for site accessability on a specific side

In accordance to pre-existing program, routes and greenery on the site, some spaces and entrances require access from a specific facade. By setting their preference to this facade, an axis is created along which the algorithm can seed the space.

InputAvailability lattice, custom stencil

Specific facade closeness lattice


Define stencil as Von Neumann neighborhood with all but one neighbour removed
Apply the stencil to the voxel envelope
Find the number of neighbors for each voxel in the lattice

Create a condition for boundary voxels, where the number of neighbors is < 1, then select only the ground level voxels
Check envelope with the condition, create a new envelope with only boundary voxels
For each available voxel inside a 2D slice of the envelope:
Append the ID’s of its neighbours to an adjacency list
Create a sparce matrix that contains the connectivity data

Compute distances from all boundry voxels to all other voxels in a 2D slice
Find the minimum distance for all boundry voxels the other voxels
Add the minimum distance to the corresponding voxel value field
Map the field distance values from 0 - 1, where 0 is the furthest distance and 1 is the closest

Quietness from street noise

Orient according to traffic noise fall-off

The two main streets around the plot produce significant traffic noise. According to European Environment Agency, these streets produce 50 and 70db of noise. By mapping the noise fall-off from the street, the growth algorithm can take into account the spaces where quietness is especially preferable, such as the library.

InputAvalability lattice, meshes representing the streets with different noise levels

Quietness from street noise lattice


Load several meshes representing streets with different noise levels.
Get all voxel centers as points.

Get all voxel 3d IDs Initialize a distance lattice full of 0s

For each voxel:
Calculate the smallest euclidian distance from voxel center to the first street mesh, using trimesh.proximity.
Write the distance value in the distance lattice for the current voxel
Compute the noise dB’s for each voxel in a lattice from the distance lattice using noise formula and noise level for first street

Initialize a summing lattice
Convert the logarithmic scale into a decimal scale, sum it to the summing lattice

Repeat the for loop for the second street
Convert the logarithmic scale into a decimal scale, sum it to the summing lattice

Compute the aggregated noise lattice by converting the summing lattice back to logarithmic scale

Map the inverse field of noise values to a field of quietness values from 0 - 1, where 0 is the least quiet value and 1 is the quietest value.

Entrance closeness

Ensure access to an entrance

To make sure the agents who need to be close to an entrace can grow in that direction, an entrance accessibility lattice must be created.

InputVoxelized envelope, entrance locations based on street accessibility

Entrance Lattice

CodeSet the entrance voxels based on the entrance locations.
For each non-entrance voxel:
Find the closest entrance voxel
Link the distance to that entrance to that voxel
Convert the distance values into values between 0 and 1
Construct the entrance lattice.